Charmed! Volunteers
Come join us and help make Charmed! a conference to remember. We can’t do it without you!
Charmed! is seeking volunteers. To make the con a success, we will need help in several areas:
Door Dragons (aka security) – We need people to check badges and politely redirect people who try to enter con space without one, as well as make sure attendees that are leaving are dressed appropriately for non-convention (public space) areas.
Set-up/Take-down – these volunteers get the convention areas, dungeon, and vendor space set up and torn down as needed. Many hands make light work here.
Class Runners – keep the classes running smoothly by keeping the presenters running on time, gathering headcounts, and doing general things relating to classes and rooms, as well as monitoring the water levels and bathrooms to help keep ConCom informed.
Dungeon monitors – help to promote safe play by keeping an eye on activity in the dungeon, and are people you can go to for help with any issues that come up during the play parties. (Dungeon monitors need to be experienced in that role.)
Registration – help people get their badges and con materials when they arrive. (Registration volunteers will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement, which is kept on file by Black Rose.)
Consent Team – This position will require you to be versed in consent policies, able to take a consent report, and support people through consent needs. (All necessary training will be provided, no prior Consent Team experience required, do not worry if you’ve not done this before!)
Online class monitors – take headcounts, monitor the chat, ensure that people entering the classes are actually attendees of the convention and conduct themselves as such.
On Call – There’s a gazillion miscellaneous things that need to be done and sometimes people need to call off for their shifts; if you’re up for the unpredictable, this job is for you.
Lead Volunteers – these volunteers will have an elevated position with a high level of responsibility. You may be asked to give training sessions (you will be trained beforehand, don’t worry!), manage the team you are assigned, step in for a shift when no one else can, communicate with Kitty Sylvie any issues that are happening ASAP, and other tasks that are needed as they arise.
Community Liaisons – We are looking for a BIPOC Liaison and a Disabilities Liaison and are hoping to find two people that are representative of those communities who are as passionate as ConCom is about making Charmed! inclusive and welcoming to everyone.