Charmed! Frequently Asked Questions
WHAT is Charmed!?
Charmed! is the nation’s largest in-person educational, recreational, and erotic hypnosis convention. We offer classes and presentations led by members of our community like you on a broad range of topics including: hypnosis techniques, erotic hypnosis play, hypnosis to enhance BDSM play, and more. If you can imagine it, you can teach it. We also offer attendee-led evening social events, a BDSM-oriented dungeon space, and a vigorous vending area.
Charmed! is sponsored by Black Rose, a not-for-profit organization located in Baltimore, MD, which provides a forum for the many different expressions of power in love and play. The Black Rose Hypnosis Special Interest Group (SIG) is one of many active erotic hypnosis groups across the country and promotes the safe, consensual, responsible use of hypnosis for recreational and erotic purposes.
WHEN is Charmed!?
Charmed!2025 will be January 23rd through January 26th, 2025. Most years the event happens over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend; this year we’re scheduled for the weekend following in order to accommodate the 2025 Presidential Inauguration.
WHERE is Charmed!?
Charmed! is a hybrid convention with in-person classes and online classes happening over the same weekend. Our in-person event takes place in a major hotel in Annapolis, MD – the exact location will be revealed to you upon registration.
WHY won’t you share the name of the Charmed! hotel?
Charmed! believes that the safety and security of our attendees is paramount, and understands that not all people involved in kinky play and/or lifestyles are in a position to be fully out in their non-kinky communities. In addition, not all non-kinky people welcome and accept people from the kink community. For these reasons, we only disclose the name of our hotel to registered attendees and ask that people not publicly share the name of the hotel in order to keep our attendees and our community safe and secure.
HOW much does it cost to attend Charmed!2025?
We tend to post the prices on the website but we have different ticket prices for early bird, regular, and late in-person attendance, with an early and regular price for online ticket purchase.
WHEN can I register for Charmed!2025?
Registration for Charmed!2025 officially opens in July, 2024. You can register here:
WHAT if I want to volunteer for Charmed!2025?
Volunteer applications are open now! Go here to volunteer:
How do I apply to present classes at Charmed!2025?
Our Call for Presenters will be available in July, 2025. You can apply to present classes or host evening events here:
WHERE can I find things like the Charmed!2025 event rules, Covid policy, and consent policy?
Our policies are currently in the process of being updated for 2025. You can read the 2024 versions here:
WILL you still have a Covid policy in 2025?
Yes. Charmed! acknowledges that world governments and a majority of public spaces are now choosing to treat Covid-19 as a harmless illness with no long-term ramifications for infected people. We acknowledge that, and we reject it. We will continue to provide as safe an environment as we can for our in-person attendees, and this will almost certainly mean that we will require up-to-date Covid vaccinations for attendees as well as in-person masking. We recommend subscribing to our newsletter as the most efficient way to receive updates about this, and other policies.
HOW can I keep up to date with announcements about Charmed! and get to know other attendees?
Here are some social media resources that you can use to interact with Charmed! –
The best way to get to know your prospective attendees is by joining the official Charmed! Discord Server which you can join here: This server is the central hub of our community and is where information and updates first get posted. In addition, the online portion of Charmed! is spearheaded through our 2025 event server, which will be available to registered attendees in January, 2025.
Check our Linktree from time to time for all of our links in one place:
Charmed!ChitChat! – subscribe to our free newsletter and get updates by email:
Fetlife – join our official group here:
Instagram – subscribe for whimsical updates and interactive posts:
tumblr – follow us here if you are interested in micro-blogging:
Twitter – we’ll keep putting updates here for as long as we can:
Bluesky – be part of our growing community here: